Project Details
Title: Central California Irrigation District Molasses Ditch Lining Project
Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation has proposed awarding WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant funding to the Central California Irrigation District (District). The District would use the funding to line the existing Molasses Ditch with concrete, as well as to replace culverts and existing water control structures for efficient transport. Approximately two miles of the unlined Molasses Ditch will be engineered to eliminate dead water storage, and to improve flow by reducing seepage and removing aquatic vegetation. The Project is expected to conserve approximately 476 acre feet per year through seepage elimination, and reduce the delivery time between the canal headworks and farm headgate deliveries. Once installed, the Project will reduce the District's irrigation demand from the Central Valley Project, improve operational efficiency, and help encourage growers to convert to high-efficiency irrigation systems.
Nathaniel Martin 916-978-6153 N/A
01/23/2017FONSI and Final EA
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Central California Irrigation District Molasses Ditch Lining Project .pdf 106,090 B
Final EA - Molasses Ditch Lining Project - Central California Irrigation District .pdf 2,896,500 B