Project Details
Title: Lower French Creek Off-Channel Habitat Development Project
Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation would fund the Lower French Creek Off-Channel Habitat Development Project as part of the 2016 Klamath River Coho Restoration Grant Program which was proposed by Reclamation as a conservation measure and identified in the "Biological Opinions on the Effects of Proposed Klamath Project Operations from May 31, 2013 through March 31, 2023, on Five Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species". The Siskiyou Resource Conservation District would administer the grant leading to the construction of an off-channel pond with coarse woody debris structures and associated vegetation in the floodplain of the lower French Creek. The Proposed Action would occur on private land located on river right of lower French Creek in a floodplain depression, 0.5 mile upstream from French Creek?s confluence with the Scott River. French Creek is a Key Stream in the Scott River watershed that supports a high density of adult and juvenile Southern-Oregon Northern California Coast coho salmon on an annual basis.
Tyler Hammersmith (541) 880-7514 N/A
10/12/2016EA completed and FONSI signed on October 7, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
EA - Lower French Creek Off - Channel Habitat Development Project .pdf 5,185,951 B
FONSI - Lower French Creek Off-Channel Habitat Development Project .pdf 368,732 B