Project Details
Title: Central California Irrigation District Orestimba Creek Groundwater Recharge Project
Summary: The Proposed Project will construct a 20 acre recharge facility near Orestimba Creek that would allow the recharge of 500 acre feet per year (afy) to the local groundwater basin. Existing connections to the Delta Mendota Canal would deliver up to 500 afy of excess winter flows and recaptured stormwater flows. The banked water would be available for recovery during dry periods through the construction of an extraction well at the site.
Jamie Griffin (916) 978-5035 N/A
06/29/2017FONSI was signed June 20,2017
04/24/2017Public review of the environmental document will begin April 25th and end May 25th.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI Orestimba Creek Groundwater Recharge Project .pdf 94,076 B
Environmental Assessment for the Central California Irrigation District and Del Puerto Water District Orestimba Creek Groundwater Recharge Project .pdf 3,442,885 B