Project Details
Title: 2016 Lower Klamath River Late-Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam
Summary: Reclamation has proposed the possible release of Trinity Reservoir-stored water to supplement flows to the lower Klamath River in late summer 2016. The Proposed Action to supplement flows was prepared as a contingency plan if environmental conditions present an elevated risk of a large-scale fish die-off from the fish disease Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich). Real-time environmental and biological monitoring would be used to determine if and when to implement the Proposed Action.
Paul Zedonis, Klamath Flows N/A N/A
08/24/2016Draft EA was available for public review on August 2, 2016. FONSI signed on August 24, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, 2016 Lower Klamath River Late-Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 125,516 B
Final Environmental Assessment, 2016 Lower Klamath River Late-Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 1,885,940 B