Project Details
Title: 2016 to 2020 Water Transfers by the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District to Contiguous Parcels
Tracking Number:
Summary: This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to examine the potential impacts of consenting to the transfer of up to 20,000 af Base Supply per Year from the GCID to lands outside, but contiguous to, GCID?s service area during contract years 2016-2020 within the term in which GCID determines a portion of the water available to be surplus to its needs. The total volume to be transferred under the program would be determined annually, based on GCID water availability and recipient needs. Transfers would occur monthly between April 1 and October 31.
Megan Simon (530) 247-8513 530-275-2441
04/15/2016FONSI signed on April 14, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, 2016 to 2020 Water Transfers by the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District to Contiguous Parcels .pdf 239,028 B
Final EA, 2016 to 2020 Water Transfers by the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District to Contiguous Parcels .pdf 467,330 B