Project Details
Title: Nine-Year Annual Transfer of up to 560 acre feet of Settlement Contract Water to Carvalho Owned Lands
Summary: Carvalho Ranch currently diverts 600 AF of CVP water pursuant to Settlement Contract Number 11-WC-20-0026 from the Fresno Slough for use on annual and permanent crops farmed on their property near the Mendota Pool. Carvalho has requested approval from Reclamation to transfer a portion of their Contract water from their lower productivity lands to higher productivity lands. Reclamation proposes to approve the annual transfer of up to 560 AF of Carvalho?s Contract water over a nine-year period. The transfer water would be made available by fallowing all or a portion of Carvalho?s low productive lands located near the Mendota Pool.
Kelly Baker 559-487-5039 N/A
01/25/2016FONSI signed January 22, 2016
12/23/2015Comment period begins December 23, 2015
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Draft FONSI and EA Nine-Year Annual Transfer of up to 560 acre feet of Settlement Contract Water to Carvalho-Owned Lands .pdf 886,579 B
Final FONSI and EA Nine-Year Annual Transfer of up to 560 acre-feet of Settlement Contract Water to Carvalho-Owned Lands .pdf 921,412 B