Project Details
Title: 2016-2018 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the Placer County Water Agenc
Summary: The Proposed Action is to enter into a 24-month IRC with the American River Division contractor, PCWA, to facilitate the annual delivery of up to 35,000 AFY of CVP water for municipal and industrial (M&I) uses in Placer County (figure 1). PCWA had two IRCs previously executed following the expiration of their previous long-term water service contract. This Proposed Action is the third IRC for PCWA. The term of the PCWA contract would be from March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2018. In the event a new long-term water service contract is executed, the IRC then-in-effect would be superseded by the long-term water service contract and analyzed under a separate process. There will be no changes to PCWA?s CVP service area, and no construction is required as part of the Proposed Action. Any request by an interim contractor to change its existing service area would be a separate federal action. Separate appropriate environmental compliance documentation would be completed before Reclamation approves a land inclusion or exclusion to any CVP contractor?s service area.
John Hutchings (916)989-7179 (916)989-7208
03/16/2016FONSI signed 2/25/16
12/01/2015draft EA available for public review
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI 2016-2018 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the Placer County Water Agency .pdf 748,135 B
Environmental Assessment 2016-2018 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the Placer County Water Agency .pdf 4,224,894 B
2016-2018 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the Placer County Water Agency Environmental Assessment .pdf 2,307,576 B