Project Details
Title: Firebaugh Canal Water District 1st Lift Canal Lining Project Phase 3 - Shaw Avenue to Check 1 at Highway 33
Summary: The 1st Lift Canal Lining Project Phase 3 ? Shaw Avenue to Check 1 at Highway 33 entails Reclamation providing grant funding through the CALFED Water Use Efficiency Grant Program to concrete-line approximately 1.5 miles of the 1st Lift Canal and replace control structures to reduce seepage and improve water management. The project is located south of the community of Firebaugh, within the Firebaugh Canal Water District.
Alexandra Woodward (916) 978-5056 (916) 978-5055
12/03/2015Draft EA was made available for public review from November 10, 2015 through November 24, 2015. The EA was completed and FONSI was signed on December 3, 2015.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
EA, Firebaugh Canal Water District 1st Lift Canal Lining Project Phase 3 - Shaw Avenue to Check 1 at Highway 33 .pdf 1,026,466 B
FONSI, Firebaugh Canal Water District 1st Lift Canal Lining Project Phase 3 - Shaw Avenue to Check 1 at Highway 33 .pdf 402,501 B