Project Details
Title: Tulare Irrigation District Cordeniz Basin
Summary: Reclamation is proposing to provide partial funding for a project to expand an existing groundwater recharge basin in Tulare County. The proposed project includes the construction and operation of an 80-acre groundwater recharge basin, installation of supervisory control and data acquisition equipment, relocation of a segment of the Serpa Ditch, and construction of five groundwater monitoring wells within the Tulare Irrigation District.
Becky Victorine (916) 978-4624 916-458-1850 San Joaquin River Restoration Project Office
Adam Nickels (916) 978-4415 (916) 978-5469
11/13/2015Draft EA was made available for public comment October 9 - November 9, 2015. FONSI was signed and EA completed on November 13, 2015.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Tulare Irrigation District Cordeniz Basin .pdf 153,654 B
EA, Tulare Irrigation District Cordeniz Basin .pdf 1,889,157 B
EA, Appendix A, Tulare Irrigation District Cordeniz Basin .pdf 5,212,175 B
EA, Attachment A, Tulare Irrigation District Cordeniz Basin .pdf 2,013,267 B