Project Details
Title: North Bay Water Recycling Program (formerly North San Pablo Bay Restoration and Reuse Project) EIR/EIS
Summary: The Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) has worked with Congressman Thompson to introduce H.R. 1326, which provides authority to plan, design, and construct water reuse projects in the North San Pablo Bay watershed. The NBWRA, comprised of multiple wastewater utilities and one water agency in the North San Pablo Bay region of California (i.e., Marin, Sonoma, Napa, and Solano Counties), plans to expand the use of recycled water in order to improve water supply reliability and reduce treated effluent discharge into San Pablo Bay with this long-term, multi-agency program. The Program area encompasses approximately 318 square miles of land in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties. The Preferred Alternative would be implemented in multiple phases. Reclamtion's Record of Decision covers activities collectively referred to in the EIR/EIS as Phase 1. Phase 1 will provide 2,883 AYF of recycled water for irrigation use. Reclamation is the federal lead agency for NEPA because the Proposed Action may be partially federally funded under Title XVI of Public Law 102-575, as amended, which provides a mechanism for federal participation and cost sharing in approved water reuse projects. Other federal funds would also be used.
Doug Kleinsmith (916) 978-5034 N/A
02/07/2011Notice of Intent to prepare an EIR/EIS published on July 28, 2008. Scoping meetings occurred on August 4, 2008 in Napa, August 5, 2008 in Novato and August 6, 2008 in Sonoma, CA. Draft EIR/EIS available for review on May 12, 2009. Comments were due on July 13, 2009. Sonoma County Water Agency's CEQA notice of availability for Final EIR/EIS published November 2009. The Final EIS was available on June 7, 2010. Reclamation signed the Record of Decision on January 28, 2011.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final EIS EIR,Contents, Chapters 1-2, North Bay Water Recycling Program .pdf 798 B
Final EIS EIR, Chapter 3,letters L1, North Bay Water Recycling Program .pdf 6,729 B
Final EIS EIR,Contents, Chapter 3,letters L2, North Bay Water Recycling Program .pdf 6,083 B
Final EIS EIR, Chapter 3,letters A-K, North Bay Water Recycling Program .pdf 5,116 B
Final EIS EIR, Chapter 3,letters M-Z, North Bay Water Recycling Program .pdf 3,414 B
Final EIS EIR, Chapters 4-6, Appendices A-B, North Bay Water Recycling Program .pdf 3,249 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Summary through Chapter 1, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 4,500 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Chapter 2, Part 1, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 6,808 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Chapter 2, Part 2, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 6,194 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Chapter 3 through Section 3.2, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 4,728 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Chapter 3, sections 3.3 through 3.12, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 5,447 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Chapter 3, sections 3.13 through 3.16, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 5,959 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Chapters 4 through 13, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 1,379 B
Draft EIR/EIS, appendices, North Bay Water Recycled Program .pdf 4,655 B
Notice of Intent, North San Pablo Bay .pdf 29 B