Project Details
Title: 3-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements
Summary: Reclamation proposes to execute a series of one-year exchange agreements with the Mendota Pool Group and Peracchi over a 3-year period (2015-2018) once the existing 10-year exchange program ends February 28, 2015. In the event the proposed 20-year exchange program is approved, the one-year exchange agreements under this Proposed Action would be superseded by new exchange agreements.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
05/29/2018FONSI and Final EA posted.
04/19/2018Draft EA and Draft FONSI, Additional One-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements available for public comment
05/05/2015Draft EA/FONSI was available for public comment from March 23, 2015 to April 16, 2015. FONSI signed and EA completed on May 5, 2015.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Additional One-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements .pdf 202,761 B
Final EA - Additional One-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements .pdf 1,098,410 B
Final Appendix A - Comment Letter and Reclamations Responses to Comments .pdf 979,759 B
Draft EA, Additional One-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements .pdf 1,127,860 B
Draft FONSI, Additional One-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements .pdf 173,031 B
Final EA/FONSI, 3-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements .pdf 3,180 B
Draft EA/FONSI, 3-Year Extension of the Mendota Pool Group Exchange Agreements .pdf 1,342 B