Project Details
Title: Categorical Exclusion Checklists for LBAO for 2015
Summary: Attached are the Categorical Exclusion Checklists for the Lahontan Basin Area Office for 2015. A CEC excludes certain categories of Federal actions from further NEPA documentation because these categories of actions have been determined in a public process to have no significant affect on the environment nor do they involve unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources.
Rena Ballew 775-884-8342 N/A
01/01/20152015 LBAO CE Checklists
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Fallon Field Office Trailer Removal and Clean-up .pdf 468 B
Marble Bluff Spillway Repair .pdf 1,194 B
NV Energy - St. Clair Road Distribution Line Rebuild .pdf 1,194 B
Shasta-Cascade Retriever Club and Sierra Nevada Retriever Club Field Trials .pdf 642 B
Southwest Gas Pipeline Abandonment and Replacement at Truckee Canal V Line .pdf 2,031 B