Project Details
Title: Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project Reach B
Summary: Reclamation proposes to award CWD with a $500,000 CALFED Water Use Efficiency Grant to assist in funding the lining of Reach B of the Calloway Canal in Bakersfield to decrease seepage and increase water supply reliability. 4,124 feet of the Calloway Canal would be lined with concrete. Reach B extends from Coffee Road in the south to 500 feet north of Hageman Road.
Doug Kleinsmith (916) 978-5034 N/A
07/28/2014Draft EA available for public review on January 22, 2014. Comments were due by February 4, 2014. Cawelo Water District joining the Metropolitan Bakersfield HCP for kit fox issues. FONSI signed and final EA completed on July 28, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project Reach B .pdf 348 B
Final EA, Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project Reach B .pdf 3,114 B
EA, Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project Reach B .pdf 2,677 B