Project Details
Title: Pixley Irrigation District Gravity Conveyance and Conservation Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to award Pixley Irrigation District (PID) with a WaterSMART grant to help fund their Gravity Conveyance and Conservation Project (Project). The Project is a cooperative effort between PID and Lower Tule River Irrigation District (LTRID) that would allow for delivery of available surplus surface water supplies to agricultural lands within PID that is currently dependent on groundwater. In addition, the Project would assist PID with reducing seepage losses in their distribution system. The Project generally consists of upgrades to LTRID?s existing Casa Blanca Canal, excavation of a new open-channel canal, and excavation for a new buried pipeline in Tulare County, California.
Michael Inthavong 559-487-5295 559-487-5397
10/30/2013The FONSI was signed on 9/26/13.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI/EA - Pixley ID Gravity Conveyance and Conservation Project .pdf 1,581 B