Project Details
Title: Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts 2014
Tracking Number:
Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation proposed to execute up to eight Interim Renewal Contracts with the seven Cross Valley contractors for a two-year interim renewal period, and to approve the Cross Valley contractors? exchange arrangements to coincide with the IRC. The seven Cross Valley contractors are: County of Fresno, Hills Valley Irrigation District, Kern-Tulare Water District (two contracts), Lower Tule River Irrigation District, Pixley Irrigation District, Tri-Valley Water District and County of Tulare. Due to direct conveyance challenges, the contractors would obtain their CVP supplies via exchanges as set forth in Article 5(a) of the Cross Valley contractors? respective water service contracts. Each of the IRCs would run for up to two years, beginning on March 1, 2014, and the Article 5 exchanges would be in effect concurrently with the IRCs.
Kelly Baker 559-487-5039 N/A
03/11/2014FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 28, 2014.
09/04/2013Draft FONSI and EA available for review on September 4, 2013. Comments due October 4, 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts .pdf 291 B
Final EA, Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts .pdf 660 B
Final EA - Appendix A, Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts .pdf 6,718 B
Final EA - Appendices B-G, Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts .pdf 2,734 B
Draft FONSI, Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts .pdf 352 B
Draft EA, Cross-Valley Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts .pdf 2,747 B