Project Details
Title: Delta Diablo Proposed Title XVI Program - Recycled Water System Expansion Project
Tracking Number:
Summary: Reclamation proposes to partially fund the Delta Diablo Proposed Title XVI Program - Recycled Water System Expansion Project. The Proposed Project includes both a near-term component and a long-term project for buildout of the recycled water system. Reclamation would only fund the near-term project. The near-term project would serve 15 new users and would include the following components: 6,600 linear feet (LF) of new recycled water pipeline; 0.9 million gallon storage tank; tank flow control valve, tank pad, and other tank-related appurtenances; testing and rehabilitation of 45,100 LF of two existing and parallel 8-inch pipelines; 15 new customer meters; isolation valves; and a High Purity Water Treatment Facility and other related piping.
Doug Kleinsmith (916) 978-5034 N/A
Vanessa Emerzian (916) 978-5083 N/A
02/09/2016Initial Study/Draft Environmental Assessment available for public review on August 30, 2013. Comments were due October 2, 2013. FONSI signed and Revised EA prepared on February 4, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI,Delta Diablo Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 682,622 B
Revised EA Part 1,Delta Diablo Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 6,423,350 B
Revised EA Part 2,Delta Diablo Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 2,810,020 B
Final MND - Appendices,Delta Diablo Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 60,216 B
Draft FONSI, Delta Diablo Sanitation District Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 93 B
Draft IS/EA, Part 1, Delta Diablo Sanitation District Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 5,698 B
Draft IS/EA, Part 2, Delta Diablo Sanitation District Recycled Water System Expansion Project .pdf 4,827 B