Project Details
Title: Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District Paregien Basin Project
Tracking Number:
Summary: Reclamation proposes to provide WaterSMART program grant funds to the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District to support the construction of two groundwater recharge/stormwater control basins, one of 19.6 acres and one of 3.4 acres, that will be used to provide a reliable source of groundwater recharge and will provide flood protection for the nearby City of Farmersville and the Linnell Farm Labor Center.
Brad Hubbard (916) 978-5204 (916) 978-5290
08/22/2013Draft IS/EA and draft FONSI was available for public review on July 10, 2013. Comments were due by August 8, 2013. FONSI signed on August 20, 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District Paregien Basin Project .pdf 3,766 B
Draft FONSI, Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District Paregien Basin Project .pdf 257 B
Draft IS/EA, Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District Paregien Basin Project .pdf 6,757 B