Project Details
Title: Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to approve a water banking project in which Kern-Tulare Water District would bank up to 40,000 AF/y of CVP and non-CVP water (from its own CVP contract supply, transfers and exchanges-in of CVP water, other water purchases, and flood releases) in West Kern Water District. There would be no new facilities constructed as part of the Proposed Action. The terms of the agreement between Kern-Tulare Water District and West Kern Water District would be 25 years from the date of approval by Reclamation.
05/24/2013Draft FONSI and EA was available for review on March 12, 2013. Comments were due on April 13, 2013. FONSI signed and final EA completed on May 16, 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project .pdf 189 B
Final EA, Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project .pdf 497 B
Appendix C, Final EA, Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project .pdf 191 B
Draft EA, Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project .pdf 507 B
Draft FONSI, Kern-Tulare Water District/West Kern Water District Groundwater Banking Project .pdf 165 B