Project Details
Title: 20-Year Extension of the 2005 Mendota Pool Exchange Agreements
Summary: Reclamation and the Mendota Pool Group (MPG) propose a 20-year long extension of the existing Exchange Agreements with Reclamation for the continued exchange of up to 25,000 acre-feet (AF) of water per year (AFY) starting in 2015. The purpose of the extension is to enable the MPG to maintain production on historically irrigated lands by obtaining sufficient good quality water at cost-effective prices to offset fluctuations and frequent cutbacks in CVP deliveries. The action is not intended to increase the amount of water for farming activities
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
12/21/2012Draft EIS expected to be available for review in Fall 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Notice of Intent, 20-Year Extension of the 2005 Mendota Pool Exchange Agreements .pdf 195 B