Project Details
Title: Reclamation District 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License
Tracking Number:
Summary: Reclamation proposes to issue a license to allow RD 773 to use dredged material to reinforce the levee on the Fabian Bell Canal. The action will allow RD 773 to remove dredged material from Reclamation property over a 10-year period that would not exceed 15,000 cubic yards of material annually to a maximum of 30,000 cubic yards over the period the license is in effect.
01/22/2012The draft EA and FONSI was available for public review starting on October 19, 2012 for a 30-day comment period. FONSI signed and Final EA completed on January 17, 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 185 B
Final EA, RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 559 B
ESA Compliance,RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 194 B
Section 106 Compliance,RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 83 B
ITA Evaluation,RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 227 B
Draft FONSI, RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 177 B
Draft EA, RD 773 Fabian Tract Spoils Pile Reuse License .pdf 562 B