Project Details
Title: Franks Tract Project EIR/EIS
Summary: The Franks Tract Project is designed to address water quality and fish protection issues in the central and southern Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (Delta). The project would consist of the construction of operable gates around Franks Tract to prevent salinity intrusion and the movement of sensitive fish species into the central and southern Delta. The project location would be in the vicinity of Franks Tract in the Delta. Franks Tract is connected tidally to the San Joaquin River via False River. During low flow conditions, high salinity water enters Franks Tract on flood tide while fresher water flows back into False River during ebb tide. The higher salinity water mixes within Franks Tract and is drawn into Old River through levee breaches on the east side of Franks Tract. These conditions impact salinity conditions in the adjacent Delta channels and the central and south Delta. Project objectives are to install an operable barrier in Three Mile Slough: (1) to modify hydrodynamic conditions to reduce sea water intrusion in the central and south Delta and (2) protect and enhance conditions for fish species of concern in the western and central Delta.
Sharon McHale (916) 978 - 5086 (916) 978-5094
02/10/2016A Plan of Study was completed August 2007. Notice of Intent was published September 22, 2008. The Initial Alternatives Information Report (IAIR) was completed February 2010. Project on hold.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Notice of Intent .pdf 51 B