Project Details
Title: California High Speed Train Project
Tracking Number:
Summary: The California High-Speed Train Project is being constructed through a series of design-build contracts. In areas where the guideway crosses Reclamation's lands, the California High Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has proposed to relocated and replaced existing irrigation laterals. Reclamation will issue the Authority a temporary construction easement and a permanent right of way easement on Federally-owned lands administered by Reclamation, and exchange lands with the Authority that will be impacted by the guideway. Reclamation will also issue the Authority a temporary construction permit and enter into a joint use agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric to relocate electrical transmission lines at Lateral 6.2-13.4 in Madera County.
Kaitlin Flahive 916-978-5044 916-978-5055
03/22/2021FONSI CGB-EA-2021-01 signed
09/18/2017FONSI 17-25-MP signed
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI CGB-EA-2021-01 California High-Speed Train Project, Transmission Line Relocations at Lateral 6.2-13.4 .pdf 496,842 B
High Speed Train Project, Construction Package 1 FONSI .pdf 121,468 B
High Speed Train Project, Construction Package 1 EA .pdf 4,683,932 B