Park Rangers Teach Children the Importance of Water in Agriculture

Written by: Sarah McBride

Lake Berryessa
Lake Berryessa
On Friday, May 5, 2017, the Lake Berryessa Field Office participated in the Yolo County Farm Connection Day at the Yolo County Fair Grounds in Woodland, California. The Yolo County Farm Bureau holds this event annually to introduce children, from kindergarten through third grade, to the importance of agriculture.

Lake Berryessa Park Rangers were on-site and manned a display to introduce participants to the Bureau of Reclamation and taught children how much water is needed to grow their favorite agricultural products. For example, it takes 4 gallons to produce on head of lettuce and 65 gallons of water to produce one eight-ounce glass of milk. To close, park rangers emphasized that there are plenty of things at home people can do to ensure we have enough water to meet the needs of everyone, including our farmers.

The Lake Berryessa booth had about 30 adults and 480 students stop by over the course of the event. This is the first time Lake Berryessa’s Park Rangers have participated in Yolo’s Farm Connection Day at the invitation of the Yolo Farm Bureau.

Published on June 01, 2017