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- Big Smiles and Bright Eyes at the 2016 Prineville C.A.S.T. Event in Oregon
Big Smiles and Bright Eyes at the 2016 Prineville C.A.S.T. Event in Oregon
Written by: Patrick McGowan
Bright Smiles at Prineville CAST EventIt’s not every day during the summer that you need to look closely at the radar in the high desert of Oregon to see if it is going to storm, but for the C.A.S.T. event held at Prineville Reservoir on July10, that’s exactly what we had to do. We made a decision on Friday that the event would still go forward, boat rides or no boat rides, and we’re glad we did.
This year we had 31 participants, an increase from prior years. There were 14 boat captains including one pontoon boat captain so we were a little short of boats, but no worries because several participants chose to fish from shore. Those who went out on the boats and those who fished from shore, both had the time of their life. There were nothing but wide smiles and great stories shared by the participants.
There were numerous volunteers who came out to give their support to help make this a great event for the kids. The C.A.S.T. Executive Director, Crook County Sheriff Marine Patrols, Crook County Search & Rescue team, State Park staff, Kiwanis Club crew, Reclamation employees and the local BASS club were among the volunteers.
While the threat of stormy weather continually loomed throughout the morning, everyone seemed to have a good time enjoying the event, each other’s company, and a delicious barbecue lunch.
The Bureau of Reclamation and the C.A.S.T. Foundation want to say thank you to all the 2016 donors, boat captains and volunteers who assisted with making this event possible. We hope to see you again next year.
Published on July 28, 2016