Reclamation Employees Participate in Bike To Work Day in Denver-Boulder Metro Area

Written by: Bruce Feinberg

Employees arriving at Reclamation's Offices in Denver on the Denver-Boulder Metro Bike to Work Day.
Employees arriving at Reclamation's Offices in Denver on the Denver-Boulder Metro Bike to Work Day.
The annual, Denver-Boulder Metro Area Bike to Work Day event was again a success at Reclamation's Denver Office on June 22. The weather on event day was good, and participants enjoyed the benefits of fresh air, exercise and not being stuck behind the wheel of a car on their commute to work that day!

Participants rode a wide range distances on their commute, but the "King of Commuters" award for this year, far and away goes to Greg Eddy of the TSC's Geotechnical Services Division. Greg rode 137 miles round trip from his home in Fort Collins, to Building 67, with a total ride time of almost 9 hours!

Also a success. was the annual Bike to Work Day lunch time ride to Chipotle Restaurant on Union Avenue. The ride and the lunch were a great chance for participants to get to know each other and have some fun!

Reclamation employees participating in Bike to Work Day.

Published on July 08, 2016