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Reclamation Releases Environmental Documents for Operations and Maintenance Funding for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program’s Interim San Joaquin Salmon Conservation and Research Facility

Media Contact: Pete Lucero, MP Region Public Affairs Officer, 916-978-5100,

For Release: September 30, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Bureau of Reclamation today released the Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact to fund operations and maintenance of the Interim San Joaquin Salmon Conservation and Research Facility by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The Interim Facility is a pilot-scale hatchery facility adjacent to the San Joaquin River Fish Hatchery, about one mile downstream of Friant Dam in the town of Friant in Fresno County. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is coordinating with the National Marine Fisheries Service for enhancement of species permits to begin establishing a spring-run Chinook salmon population to be reintroduced into the San Joaquin River.

The applications for the permits described specific procedures to be followed by USFWS during reintroduction efforts. Artificial propagation was an essential component of USFWS’s reintroduction approach, described in the applications, due to the status of spring-run Chinook salmon and the limited availability of donor fish from other populations in the Central Valley. The applications identified the Interim Facility and the future full-scale San Joaquin Salmon Conservation and Research Facility as the primary captive rearing facilities for spring-run Chinook salmon. 

Operated by CDFW, the project will include developing and maintaining a genetically diverse brood stock of spring-run Chinook salmon, and potentially, fall-run Chinook. CDFW will also operate the Interim Facility to conduct and support research that furthers conservation of the Chinook salmon species in the San Joaquin River Restoration Program area. This differs from conventional hatcheries in that it is managed to maximize genetic diversity of its captive brood stock. CDFW will operate and maintain the Interim Facility until the full-scale Conservation Facility is operational.

The Final EA and FONSI were prepared in accordance with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and are available at and on the SJRRP website at you encounter problems accessing the documents online, please call 916-978-5100 or email

The Final EA and FONSI are also available for viewing Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Reclamation’s SJRRP Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Room W-1727, in Sacramento, and at Reclamation’s South-Central California Area Office, 1243 N Street, in Fresno.

For questions on this project, please contact Erin Rice, Reclamation Natural Resources Specialist, at 916-978-4415 or request a compact disk containing the documents, please contact Margaret Gidding at 916-978-5461 or

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