News Release Archive

Title Transfer Topic of Public Meeting

Media Contact: Chris Ketchum, (208) 678-0461 x34

For Release: February 03, 2003

The Bureau of Reclamation and American Falls Reservoir District #2 will co-host a public meeting February 11, to receive comments on a proposal to transfer title of certain facilities to the district.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the District Court Room in the Jerome Court House, 300 North Lincoln Street, Jerome, Idaho.

The Proposed Action calls for Reclamation to transfer all right, title, and interest in certain irrigation facilities and associated land interests to the district. The facilities to be transferred are only those currently operated and maintained solely by the district and lie generally within the district's boundary.

Maps of the canal and withdrawn and fee title land will be available for viewing at the public meeting.

The facilities proposed for transferred include: Milner-Gooding Canal and associated features. Rights of way for the conveyance facilities. Acquired lands located along and under one mile of canal consisting of 13.74 acres. Withdrawn lands totaling approximately 650 acres. Houses, shops, and warehouses that are in the name of the United States.

Title to major facilities, natural flow water rights, reserved power rights or storage rights held by the United States, that are affiliated with the Minidoka Project, will not be considered for transfer.

The legislation required to implement this transfer would also revoke the withdrawal on approximately 7,000 acres of withdrawn lands adjoining the canal, returning management to the Bureau of Land Management. The legislation would grant a permanent easement for the canal currently located on withdrawn lands, and grant a permanent easement for the emergency floodway on one parcel.

The transfer of title requires compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and Congressional legislation.

The public meeting will take place in facilities meeting accessibility requirements outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Citizens with disabilities which may require special accommodations to participate in or to understand the meeting, should contact Laura Bell (208) 678-0461, Ext. 28 at least one week in advance so arrangements can be made.

For additional information or a copy of the scoping document, contact Chris Ketchum, Natural Resource Manager, Bureau of Reclamation, at (208) 678-0461, Extension 34.

Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.