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Functional Area: Policies and Organization

Executive Sponsor
Roseann Gonzales, Director, Program and Policy Services

Reclamation will refine the balance between centralized policy and oversight with its current effective, decentralized operational organization in order to meet future challenges.

Concept Paper

Item No.
Action Item Time Frame Team Leader Results
4 Identify structured decision-making process gaps and potential remedies, with particular attention to the recommendations from “Review and Decision Making in Reclamation.” More 03/2006 - 12/2006 James Hess Available
5 Refine and clarify delegations of authority within the agency to ensure that they are commensurate with assigned responsibility, including appropriate training of line management with regard to authorities. This will allow Reclamation to respond effectively to the needs of its customers and other stakeholders in a manner that is consistent throughout the agency and which enhances the agency’s credibility at all levels. More 03/2006 - 08/2006 Shannon Kerstiens Available
6 Identify “policy gaps” created by sunsetting of the Reclamation Instructions (i.e., missing or inadequate Reclamation Manual Policy, Directives and Standards, technical guidance) that are critical to addressing current and near-term issues and challenges. More 08/2006 - 10/2006 Shannon Kerstiens Available
7 Expedite the development of policy, directives and standards, and technical guidance determined necessary in the preceding step to assure that local decision-making is consistent with Reclamation’s philosophy and stewardship responsibilities. More 10/2006 - 12/2007 Shannon Kerstiens Available
8 Consider the scenarios discussed in Chapter Five of the NRC Report and what refinements, if any, to Reclamation’s organizational structure may be useful in meeting future challenges under each of these scenarios. More 03/2006 - 01/2007 Lisa Vehmas Available

Last Updated: March 21, 2008