Oregon Crop Water Use Charts
Charts are updated daily by 7:30am Mountain Time. Select the location below to display the most recent crop water use chart for the current growing season. A key is available to identify chart crop codes. More about the charts.
- Aurora
- Baker Valley
- Bandon
- Beatty
- Bend
- Brookings
- Christmas Valley
- Corvallis
- Dee Flat
- Echo
- Forest Grove
- Hereford
- Hermiston (HERO)
- Hermiston (Hermiston Agricultural Research Extension Center HRMO)
- Hood River
- Imbler
- Klamath Falls
- Lakeview
- Lorella
- Madras
- Moody Farms Control Station
- Moody Farms East
- Medford
- Moody Farms South
- Moody Farms West
- Moody Farms Control Station
- Middle Warm Springs
- Ontario
- Parkdale
- Pine Grove
- Powell Butte
- Prairie City
- Worden