The Bureau of Reclamation hosted the 31st annual meeting with the Taiwan Water Resources Agency in Washington, D.C., on November 16, 2018. This is the first time the meeting has taken place in the Nation's capital. Reclamation has provided technical assistance and training to Taiwan through a cooperative agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.
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The Taiwan Water Angency and Reclamation met in Washington D.C. for their 31st annual meeting.

The Current
Reclamation's Biweekly Newsletter

December 4, 2018

Reclamation hosts Taiwan Water Resources Agency

The Bureau of Reclamation hosted the 31st annual meeting with the Taiwan Water Resources Agency in Washington, D.C., on November 16, 2018. This is the first time the meeting has taken place in the Nation's capital. Reclamation has provided technical assistance and training to Taiwan through a cooperative agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.

“This meeting is our opportunity to share our common interests, knowledge and lessons learned. Where we can share our triumph and challenges,” said David Palumbo, Deputy Commissioner of Reclamation. “Everything we have shared over the past few days will benefit us both in the future, and I believe that our continued collaboration is critical for both our countries. We are fortunate to learn a great deal through these cultural exchanges.”

WRA and Reclamation hold annual meetings, alternating between Taiwan and the United States. These annual meetings have two elements, a day-long meeting to discuss the results of the work performed in the prior year and to establish the scope and priorities for the upcoming year and visits to a selection of the host-country’s water-management facilities. This helps to expose the visiting country’s experts to the technologies being used and problems being encountered at those facilities. Senior leaders in WRA and Reclamation generally attend the annual meeting and technical tours.

During the meeting, WRA and Reclamation discussed the work tasks performed that were specified in the 2018 scope of work of the cooperative agreement, discussed 2019 WRA work requests for Reclamation’s consideration and signed the 2018 Annual Meeting Conclusions document which summarized the 2018 work accomplishments and identified 2019 work items to be completed.

In addition to the annual meeting, WRA and Reclamation staff visited the Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Turner- Fairbank Research Center, touring the laboratories and had technical discussions on scour and erosion research.

The technical assistance and cooperation for water resources program between the American Institute in Taiwan and Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office was established in the 1980s. Various water resources projects have since been carried out and executed through Reclamation and WRA. Years of collaboration have produced fruitful results and have proven beneficial to both sides in dealing with challenges facing the sustainable use of limited water resources.

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Taiwan’s Water Resource Agency and Reclamation hold annual meetings, alternating between Taiwan and the United States. These annual meetings have two elements, a day-long meeting to discuss the results of the work performed in the prior year and to establish the scope and priorities for the upcoming year and visits to a selection of the host-country’s water-management facilities.
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