Projects by Funding Year

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Science and Technology Research Funded in 2009

The following 102 research projects were fully or partially funded by the Science and Technology Program in 2009. Click on a highlighted Researcher link to learn more about that project's Principal Investigator, or click on a linked project title to view that project's details.

Researcher Title ID Start Year End Year
Agee, J C Generator and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Controls Modification for Wind Integration 9608 2009 2011
Agee, J C Power System Stability Enhancement in the Digitally-Controlled Power System 1411 2005 2011
Agee, J C Power System Stability Improvement 661 2004 2011
Baker, Michael Passive Selenium Bioreactor--Pilot-scale Testing 4414 2008 2009
Bark, Raymond Charles Cathodic Protection Systems and Effects on Fisheries Near Reclamation 3427 2007 2009
Bauer, Travis Determining the Accuracy of Depth Measurements Taken from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler 3504 2009 2009
Bechtel, Ted Enhancement of Hydroturbine Operational Flexibility for Powerplant Cost Optimization 8301 2005 2011
Best, Eric Investigation of Reclamation Project Effects and Management Recommendations for Native Fish of the Milk River in Montana Using Innovative Telemetry Techniques 1068 2004 2009
Best, Eric Use of High Definition Imaging Sonar as a Methodology for Evaluating Native Fish Spawning Behavior and Habitat Preference in Areas Impacted by Reclamation Structures and Operations. 8855 2007 2009
Bountry, Jennifer Decision Framework to Determine Potential Sediment Impacts and Analyses for Reservoir Sediment Sluicing and Dam Decommissioning 8462 2008 2011
Bowen, Mark D Non-Physical Barrier (NPB) for Fish Protection Evaluation: Can an Inexpensive Barrier Be Effective for Threatened Fish? 8740 2009 2010
Bowen, Mark D Saving Water and Insuring Delivery: Flow Prescription and the Discharge to Habitat Relationship for a Listed Anadromous Salmonid 7899 2007 2010
Brekke, Levi Climate Change: Assessing Preference Among Surface Water Hydrologic Models for Studies Involving Climate Change 2404 2009 2010
Brekke, Levi Climate Change: Erosion of Water Supply Predictability Under Climate Change? 2726 2009 2010
Brekke, Levi Climate Change: Methodology to Evaluate the Influence of Joint Changes in Climate and Land Cover on Water Availability 2768 2009 2010
Broderick, Susan Developing Ultrasound Imaging as a Fish Research and Management Tool at Reclamation's Fish Facilities 2817 2009 2010
Burnett, Roger Demonstration of Field Scale Applications to Control Water Logging and Stalinization 2193 2005 2009
Camp, Susan Assessment of Potential Effects of Operation of Reclamation Facilities on Pacific Lamprey in Major Tributaries of the Columbia River Basin 35 2009 2011
Clark, Douglas Examining the Use of Adaptive Management Workshops to Foster Collaboration 9132 2008 2010
Clark, Douglas Reclamation Biological Resources Data Management: Developing an Enterprise Approach 1713 2008 2010
Clark, Douglas Research and Development of a Comprehensive Guide of Tools for Management of Diverging Science in Reclamation Water Allocation Decisions 7515 2008 2010
Clark, Douglas Western Water Institutional Solutions: Identification, Development, and Application of Institutional Solutions for Western Water Problems 147 2006 2010
Collins, Kent Rock Ramp Interstitial Flow and Design Guidelines 2253 2007 2009
Corwin, Richard Monitoring and Evaluation of the Potential Impacts of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam on Green Sturgeon 1887 2008 2009
Croghan, Mark Using the Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) System to Determine Temperature Dynamics and Groundwater Spring Influences due to Channel Relocation and Habitat Enhancement in a Mountain Stream 9654 2009 2010
DeHaan, Jim Reduced Cost Hydroelectric Maintenance 582 2004 2010
Dundorf, Steve Optimization of Energy Recovery Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems 9081 2005 2009
Eastment, Eric Power System Diagnostics 701 2004 2010
Eckhardt, David Improving Evapotranspiration Maps Obtained from the Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (ReSET) Model 2686 2009 2009
Fitzgerald, Gretchen Can Water Catchments Mitigate for Wildlife (Bighorn Sheep) Mortality, Due to Occurrence of Blue Green Algae (_Cyanobacterial_ Toxins) in Owyhee Reservoir? 2874 2009 2010
Fotherby, Lisa Conceptual Model for Predicting Changes in River Pattern and Form, in Response to Management Actions 5618 2009 2009
Gill, Tom Demonstration of Radio Telemetered Flow Monitoring and Canal Control Technologies 393 2006 2010
Gill, Tom Development and Testing of an Overshot Gate Design that Irrigation Districts Can Self-Construct and Maintain 6890 2008 2010
Gill, Tom Flow Measurement with a Venturi Flume Under Submerged or Unsubmerged Conditions 495 2006 2010
Gill, Tom Living Laboratory for Canal Modernization Technologies 7316 2007 2010
Gill, Tom Programmable Logic Control of Automated Surface Irrigation Systems for Improved Water Use Efficiency 3877 2008 2010
Godaire, Jeanne Drought and Flood Magnitude and Frequency with Uncertainty 7325 2008 2010
Godaire, Jeanne Solutions for Habitat-Critical Side Channel Loss 6257 2009 2009
Greimann, Blair Assessing and Reducing the Uncertainty of Predictions from Hydraulic and Hydrologic Models 8128 2007 2009
Guenthner, Scott Modeling and Field Experimentation to Determine the Effects of Terracing and Small Reservoirs on Water Supplies in the Republican River Basin above Hardy, Nebraska 9517 2006 2009
Guerra, Katherine Development of Coatings for Polymeric Membranes to Minimize Biofouling 9741 2008 2009
Guerra, Katherine Treatment of Produced Water for Beneficial Use in the Western United States 3180 2007 2010
Hanna, Leslie Flow Deflectors--Proven Technology 1531 2006 2010
Hanna, Leslie Hydraulic Modeling with Abrupt Changes in Reynold's Number 9750 2006 2011
Hanna, Leslie Wide Span Stilling Basin Deflectors (Width Greater Than 30 Feet) 5564 2006 2009
Hannon, John Reducing Risk of Water Conflicts Related to Operational Impacts to Salmon 2759 2006 2010
Harpman, David Alexander New Algorithms for Optimal Hydropower Dispatch 5992 2009 2009
Heisler, Rebecca Terrestrial Photogrammetry: Development of Capabilities and Exploring Applications for Three-dimensional (3D) Measuring from Photographs 5014 2005 2010
Hilldale, Robert C. Development of a Continuous Bedload Transport Measurement Technique 6499 2008 2009
Hilldale, Robert C. Surrogate Sediment Measurement Technologies--Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project (FISP) 6435 2008 2010
Holburn, Elaina Advanced Photogrammetry Techniques as a Tool for Evaluating Sediment Gradations 5066 2008 2009
Holburn, Elaina River-Spanning Rock Structures Research and Design Guidelines 6388 2008 2009
Holler, Eric Long-term Testing near Tucson, Arizona of Concentrate Management using Halophyte Irrigation; Uses Slowsand Filtration (SSF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Treatment to Produce the Needed Concentrate 6551 2005 2010
Huang, Jennifer The Application of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDar) Technology to Improve the Management and Protection of Heritage Assets in the American Falls Archaeological District, Idaho 9541 2009 2013
Johnson, Jennifer Climate Change: Evaluating Water Management Responses to Global Climate Change Using Coupled Hydrologic and Economic Models 507 2009 2012
Johnson, Jennifer Developing a Framework for Quantifying and Effectively Communicating Ground Water Model Uncertainty 820 2009 2010
Johnson, Jennifer Development of a Multiaquifer Hydrologic Modeling Package to Support Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Water Use Planning in Rural/Urban Landscapes 60 2008 2012
Johnson, Jennifer Model analysis of integrated surface- and ground-water hydrologic response to climate change 2885 2009 2009
Karp, Cathy Predation on Listed Fishes at Reclamation Facilities and Ways to Reduce its Impact 7432 2008 2011
Kelly, Kevin L. Inhibition of Biofilm Formation 3326 2006 2010
Lai, Yong Assessing Spatially Distributed Temperatures for Water Suitability and Habitat 7872 2008 2010
Lieberman, Davine Managing for Algal Toxins in Reclamation's Reservoirs 4939 2006 2010
Lincoln, Thomas Investigating a Modern Method for Improving the Management and Protection of Heritage Assets In Threshing Machine Canyon, Kansas Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Technology 7686 2008 2010
Little, Daryl pH Cell Mitigation and Field Trial of New Coatings 7292 2007 2009
Markiewicz, Rich Temperature Monitoring as a Means of Assessing Canal Structural Performance and Seepage Conditions 9802 2009 2009
Meuleman, Allyn Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Data Collection Techniques and Relative Improvements in Modeling Reservoir Production 7622 2009 2011
Meuleman, Allyn Evaluation and Development of National Aeronautic and Space Administration's (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) (EAARL) for Accurate Representation of High Resolution Channel Bathymetry for Hydraulic Mod 9251 2008 2010
Miller, Ronald Developing and Evaluating Remote Sensing Based Direct Evapo-Transpiration (ET) Models to Improve Water Accounting Efficiency 282 2008 2010
Moody, Chuck Foward Osmosis (FO) Water Purification 1289 2004 2010
Moody, Chuck Slowsand Filtration (SSF) for Reducing Costs of Desalting Surface Waters 361 2004 2010
Moore, Stanton David Status, Distribution and Management of Aquatic Herpetofauna as Related to Reclamation Projects within the Middle Rio Grande and Missouri River Basins. 7650 2007 2010
Moris, Don Evaluate New Smaller Efficient Types of Low Head Fishways 4627 2009 2009
Moris, Don Evaluating Innovative Swim-Thru Fishway Valve Lock System for Medium Head Applications 5083 2009 2009
Murphy, Andrew Cellulose Acetate (CA) Membrane Study 107 2005 2010
Murphy, Andrew Developing the Next Generation Chlorine Resistant, High Flux, and High Salt Rejection Polyamide Desalting Membrane to Increase Water Supply 526 2004 2010
Nelson, Mark Invertebrate Communities Used as Indicators of River Restoration 1196 2006 2009
Newsom, Michael Watershed Classification for Salmon Productivity--a Multivariate Landscape Characterization Process for Selecting Restoration Sites 8940 2009 2009
Olsker, Nichole Small, Terrestrial Mammal Communities within Native And Non-Native Dominated Riparian Vegetation along the San Pedro and Gila Rivers in Central Arizona 1705 2008 2010
Parkinson, Sharon Scoping Proposal Focused on Quantifying Temperature Change to a Water Body Influenced by Subsurface Return Flow 6817 2009 2009
Parkinson, Sharon Scoping Proposal Linking Physical, Biological and Aqueous Geochemical Processes to Ecosystem Responses 2259 2009 2009
Peterson, Eric Integrated Information Management System (IIMS)--an Information and Data Management System for Science Based River Management 165 2006 2009
Piper, Steven Development of Techniques that are Acceptable for Measuring Municipal Water Values, Nonuse Values, Ecosystem Benefits, and Broad Public Benefits as Part of Alternative Evaluation In Feasibility Studies 7305 2009 2009
Portz, Donald E. Fish-Holding-Associated Stress in Salvaged Fishes at Reclamation Facilities 2301 2008 2009
Poulson, Tom Comparative Analysis of Innovative Concentrate Management Systems 3699 2008 2010
Prairie, James Establishing a Framework for Sharing Risk and Uncertainty Quantification and Communication Strategies in Reclamation Operations 1077 2009 2009
Rainger, Lisa HydroGeoSphere (HGS) and Ground Water Modeling System-- Phase I 3279 2008 2010
Rogado, Jonathan Low Head Hydro Turbines 3390 2009 2009
Russell, Kendra Development of Design Considerations for Engineered Large Woody Debris (LWD) Structures 8329 2009 2010
Schlag, Alison Effects of Iron Bacteria on Subsurface Tile Drains: Influence on Hydraulic Efficiency and Nutrient Transport 4883 2008 2009
Schrom, Alan Secure, Reliable, Low Cost Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for Irrigation Water Delivery 1689 2009 2009
Sechrist, Juddson Developing Operational Criteria Information for Temperature Control Device (TCD) Installation at Reclamation Facilities Through the Use of Real-Time Integrated Entrainment Monitoring Systems to Improve Reliability of Water And Power Delivery 4149 2007 2010
Sechrist, Juddson Emplacement and Efficacy Testing of Pulsed Direct Current Electrical Barrier 2503 2006 2009
Skaja, Allen Evaluation of Protective Coatings by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to Predict Coating Service Life 7553 2006 2010
Slavin, Tracy Tools to Assess Seasonal Wetland Best Management Practices for Water Conservation and Salinity Management Using High Resolution Remote Sensing, Direct Evapo-transpiration (ET) Monitoring And Modeling 923 2004 2010
Spears, Mark Development of Improved Evapo-transpiration (ET) Estimates for Predominant Marsh Plant Communities and Open-Water Evaporation Estimates in the Upper Klamath River Basin 6485 2008 2010
Sutphin, Zak Innovative Technique to Establish Swimming Performance Criteria for Fish Impacted by Fish Exclusion and Passage Facilities 6469 2007 2010
Vidergar, Dmitri Adaptation of Traditional Habitat Improvements in Reservoir Drawdown Zones to Improve Survival of Endangered Species Act (ESA) Listed Fish During Their Migration in Reclamation Reservoirs 5149 2009 2009
Von Fay, Kurt Development of Performance Criteria for Surface Preparation of Concrete Substrates Prior to Repair and Overlay 1137 2017 2017
Von Fay, Kurt Evaluation of Thin Repair Materials for Concrete 1616 2009 2010
Wahl, Tony Applying Measurements of Cohesive Soil Erodibility 6993 2009 2009
Wahl, Tony Flow Measurement with Canal Radial Gates 1281 2004 2010
Williams, Nick Modeling Changes in Water Quality Resulting from Sediment Delta Interactions 589 2009 2013
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