Hydropower Program

Reclamation Customers, Partners and Stakeholders


Reclamation's power resource customers are those individuals or entities that use or receive products, services, or information that result from the processes which the agency performs.

  • Federal preference power customers
  • Electric utility systems and reliability councils
  • Project use power customers


Reclamation's partners are those groups, agencies, or entities that jointly help Reclamation serve our customers.

  • Federal power marketing administrations


Stakeholders involved in Reclamation's businesses and services are interested parties who do not receive the services directly.

  • Water communities
  • Environmental communities
  • Federal and state agencies
  • General public

The power program customers are represented in the above categories; however, these customers may have more specific values than other customers, such as irrigation users. Consequently, the power marketing program has developed its own measures of customer values. As reported through personal contact, telephone calls, and meetings with customers, the value of power program services to our customers includes the powerplant reliability, rate stability, cost containment, and financial accountability. Increasing powerplant reliability, decreasing outage rates, and providing financial accountability are, therefore, also standards by which we should measure our customer service.

See also: Reclamation's Searchable Phone Book and Office Addresses List

Last Updated: 2/4/16