Project Details
Title: Cross Valley CVP Contractors' Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012
Summary: Reclamation proposes to renew Interim renewal contracts (IRCs) for the Cross Valley contractors beginning March 1, 2012. These are located on the east side of the San Joaquin Valley in Fresno, Kern, Tulare and Kings counties. Reclamation would also approve the CV contractors Article 5 exchange arrangements with individually proposed exchange partners. These interim renewals have been undertaken by authority of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act to provide a bridge between the expiration of the original long-term water service contracts and the execution of new long-term water service contracts.
03/16/2012Draft FONSI available for public review on December 28, 2011. Comments were due January 26, 2012. FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 29, 2012.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Cross Valley CVP Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012 .pdf 202 B
Final EA, Cross Valley CVP Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012 .pdf 6,804 B
Environmental Commitment Program, Cross Valley CVP Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012 .pdf 123 B
Draft FONSI, Cross Valley CVP Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012 .pdf 272 B
Draft EA, Cross Valley CVP Contractors Interim Renewal Contracts and Exchanges 2012 .pdf 3,650 B