Project Details
Title: Buckhorn Dam/Grass Valley Creek Toe Drain and Channel Rehabilitation Project EA
Summary: The Project plans excavation of the Buckhorn dam outlet channel so that surface water elevations will be lowered to allow measurement of water seepage through the earthen dam as required in dam safety protocols. During excavation, Reclamation proposes to create additional off-channel juvenile holding habitat for coho salmon and steelhead that are common in the area. The constructed habitat will provide slow water refuge in proximity to vegetation and large wood cover habitat. To meet safety and fish habitat development needs, deigns estimate that excavation of approximately 9,000 cubic yards will be required. Project construction is proposed during summer 2012.
Brandt Gutermuth (530) 623-1806 (530) 623-5944
11/22/2013Draft EA available for review on November 17, 2011. Comments due December 15, 2011. Final EA available March 2, 2012. FONSI signed on March 8, 2012. Project Implemented during summer/fall 2012. Maintenance of planting to occur in 2013 and 2014. Threatened Coho seen in newly opened habitat in November 2012.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Buckhorn Dam/Grass Valley Creek Toe Drain and Channel Rehabilitation Project .pdf 426 B
Final EA/IS,Buckhorn Dam/Grass Valley Creek Toe Drain and Channel Rehabilitation Project .pdf 4,516 B
Draft EA, Buckhorn Dam/GVC Toe Drain and Channel Rehabilitation Project .pdf 2,884 B