Project Details
Title: Final FONSI/EA, Enhancement of Overwinter Rearing Habitat in McGarvey Creek
Summary: Reclamation proposes to provide funding to the Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program (YTFP) to implement the activities as described in the Klamath Basin Restoration Program Grant # 10AP20084. The Project would consist of the installation of approximately 15 complex wood jams, construction of a 550 foot alcove, and stabilization of approximately 2,000 feet of road. Implementation of the proposed project provides the opportunity to restore low gradient and off-channel habitats that have the potential to provide a significant amount of complex, diverse, and productive rearing habitat for natal and non-natal salmonids, especially Klamath Basin Coho. The proposed project activities would aid in meeting the restoration priorities identified for lower McGarvey Creek.
Kristen Hiatt (541) 880-2577 N/A
06/22/2011Final FONSI/EA signed June 14, 2011
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final FONSI/EA, Enhancement of Overwinter Rearing Habitat in McGarvey Creek .pdf 5,815 B