Project Details
Title: Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III EA
Summary: Reclamation proposes to award Tulare Irrigation District (TID) with a WaterSMART Grant to help fund the development of 45 and 60-acre recharge/regulation basins (Plum Basin Project). The Plum Basin Project would regulate water supplies and enhance flexibility in TID's water distribution system by reducing water spillage due to fluctuations in irrigation cycles. In addition, the project would benefit both TID and the City of Tulare by recharging water supplies to the underlying aquifer.
Michael Inthavong 559-487-5295 559-487-5397
04/28/2011Draft EA/FONSI available for review on March 21, 2011. Comments due April 4, 2011. FONSI signed and final EA completed on April 18, 2011.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III .pdf 158 B
Final EA, Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III .pdf 983 B
Appendix to final EA, Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III .pdf 6,128 B
Draft FONSI, Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III .pdf 67 B
Draft EA, Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III .pdf 2,088 B
Draft EA, Appendices, Tulare Irrigation District Plum Basin Project Phases II and III .pdf 4,735 B