Project Details
Title: Patterson Irrigation District One-Time Delivery of Replacement Water to Del Puerto Water District Environmental Assessment
Summary: Reclamation will approve a request from Patterson Irrigation District (PID), on behalf of Del Puerto Water District (DPWD), for a one-time delivery of 2,200 AF of PID's Replacement Water to DPWD in order to supplement their limited CVP supply and to help alleviate some of the effects of a critically dry year. Reclamation declared a shortage in the amount of water available to South-of-Delta (SOD) contractors for the 2009 Contract Year. DPWD is in need of additional water supplies in order to sustain agricultural crops. As recently as July 2007, PID detached 692 acres to the City of Patterson for urban development. This change in land use, among other things, has resulted in a reduction in PID's consumptive use, and subsequently created an excess water supply in past years which PID will sell via transfer for a profit to DPWD.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
08/11/2009FONSI signed and final EA available August 7, 2009.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Patterson ID One-Time Delivery of Replacement Water to Del Puerto WD .pdf 128 B
Final EA, Patterson ID One-Time Delivery of Replacement Water to Del Puerto WD .pdf 323 B