Project Details
Title: North Fork Trail Project EA
Summary: Placer County is proposing to construct a multiple-use trail with parking and staging facilities along the southern slope of the North Fork American River canyon in Placer County, approximately 40 miles northeast of Sacramento. The proposed trail would begin near Foresthill Road and the North Fork/Middle Fork American River confluence, and it would end at the Ponderosa Bridge, approximately 14.2 miles upstream. The license for the North Fork Trail has been revoked until a new FONSI is signed. Release of the new EA/FONSI is pending coordination between BLM, USACE and Reclamation regarding land use agreements.
Chelsea Stewart (916) 989-7155 N/A
01/31/2013Final Environmental Assessment prepared June 17, 2004. NOD filed August 24, 2004 and FONSI signed August 2, 2004. Draft EIR prepared August 2007. Final EIR prepared March 2008. Reclamation will issue a Supplemental EA by July 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final EIR, North Fork Trail, cover, contents, introduction .pdf 285 B
Final EIR, North Fork Trail, Chap. 3, responses to comments .pdf 6,829 B
Final EIR, North Fork Trail, Chapter 2 master responses .pdf 24 B
Final EIR, North Fork Trail, Chap. 4 - 7 .pdf 90 B
Final EIR, North Fork Trail, draft revised FONSI .pdf 34 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, cover and contents .pdf 308 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, Chapters 1-6 .pdf 2,349 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, Chapters 7-10 .pdf 4,178 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, Chapters 11-18 .pdf 3,509 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, Appendices C-F .pdf 2,838 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, Appendix A .pdf 1,454 B
North Fork Trail, DEIR, Appendix B .pdf 4,755 B
2004 IS/Proposed MND and EA, North Fork American Trail and Environmental Assessment .pdf 1,793 B