Project Details
Title: Lower American River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Project
Summary: Reclamation completed an EA and signed a FONSI in 2008 to complete work in the lower American River for improving spawning and rearing habitat. In 2010 a Supplemental FONSI and EA was signed to evaluate change in gravel sources and use of roads. The 2011 Supplemental FONSI and EA evaluated the addition of woody material into some or all of the main channel sites identified in the 2008 EA. In 2014 a supplemental EA and FONSI is an informational update of the proposed Program activities for the Nimbus Basin project site that were not completed within the 2008 EA timeframe. Reclamation will continue to improve spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead in the lower American River in 2016 and beyond.
Ben Nelson (916) 414-2424 (916) 414-2439
John Hannon (916) 414-2413 N/A
02/10/2016Finding of No Significant Impact signed - Lower American River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Program.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Lower American River Habitat Restoration Project. .pdf 315,630 B
EA - Lower American River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Project. .pdf 1,603,345 B
Appendix A Site Figures January 2016 .pdf 3,405,554 B
2014 FONSI, Nimbus Basin .pdf 412 B
2014 Supplemental EA,Nimbus Basin .pdf 5,677 B
Supplemental signed FONSI on woody material, Lower American River Spawning Gravel .pdf 87 B
Supplemental EA on woody material, Lower American River Spawning Gravel .pdf 2,308 B
Supplemental signed FONSI and EA, Lower American River Gravel .pdf 6,089 B
Signed FONSI, Lower American River Gravel .pdf 2,496 B
Final EA, Lower American River Gravel, Chapters 1-3 .pdf 4,762 B
Final EA, Lower American River Gravel, Chapter 4 to end, appendices .pdf 3,715 B