Project Details
Title: County of Fresno?s Millerton Road Widening Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to issue easements to Fresno County totaling approximately 9.46 acres. The County of Fresno (County) has proposed to widen a 4.7-mile stretch of Millerton Road located between North Fork Road to slightly east of Table Mountain Road. The County?s Project would reconstruct this area from a 2-lane rural roadway to a 4-lane arterial roadway with four 12-foot-wide travel lanes, two 6-foot-wide paved shoulders that would function as directional bike lanes, and 4-foot-wide treated dirt shoulders. A 16-foot-wide median would separate the eastbound and westbound traffic. Implementation of the Project would require expansion of the County?s existing right-of-way from approximately 60 feet wide to approximately 106 feet wide (53 feet on either side of the roadway center-line, except where additional width is necessary for cut and fill slopes).
Stacy Holt 559-487-5295 N/A
06/01/2017FONSI and Final EA posted.
03/13/2017Draft environmental assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact are available for review on March 13, 2017. Comments are due by April 11, 2017
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - County of Fresno's Millerton Road Widening Project .pdf 420,278 B
Final EA - County of Fresno's Millerton Road Widening Project .pdf 1,125,871 B
Draft Environmental Assessment County of Fresno?s Millerton Road Widening Project EA-09-009 .pdf 1,117,600 B
Draft FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT County of Fresno?s Millerton Road Widening Project FONSI-09-009 .pdf 282,123 B
Appendix A: Fresno County Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan .pdf 134,118 B
Appendix B: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Section 7 Consultation .pdf 401,756 B
Appendix C: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: California Office of Historic Preservation Section 106 Consultation .pdf 119,325 B
Appendix D-1: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14 .pdf 5,284,794 B
Appendix D-2: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14 .pdf 4,595,190 B
Appendix D-3: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14 .pdf 2,745,853 B
Appendix E: Reclamation?s Section 106 Determination .pdf 304,732 B
Appendix F: Project Design Sheets .pdf 1,349,441 B
Appendix G: Air Quality/URBEMIS Output Files .pdf 232,157 B