Project Details
Title: Contra Costa Resource Conservation District Recovery Actions for California Red-legged Frog and California Tiger Salamander
Summary: Reclamation would provide $149,922 from the Central Valley Project Improvement Act Habitat Restoration Program (HRP) to the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District to improve existing livestock ponds by rehabilitating the impoundment structures and the removal of accumulated sediment from the livestock pond. The proposed action would result in the enhancement of California red-legged frog and California tiger salamander breeding habitat.
Dan Strait (916) 978-5052 (916) 978-5055
09/11/2019Phase 2 FONSI signed
10/11/2017FONSI signed
08/29/2017Public review period will begin August 29, 2017. Written comments are due by close of business Sept. 11, 2017.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, CCRCD Recovery Actions for California Red-legged Frog and California Tiger Salamander- Phase 2 .pdf 983,659 B
Environmental Assessment, CCRCD Recovery Actions for California Red-legged Frog and California Tiger Salamander- Phase 2 .pdf 6,065,436 B
FONSI, CCRCD Recovery Actions for California Red-legged Frog and California Tiger Salamander .pdf 52,285 B
Environmental Assessment CCRCD Recovery Actions for California Red-legged Frog and California Tiger Salamander .pdf 4,656,337 B