Project Details
Title: Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to: (1) enter into a series of Warren Act Contracts and exchange agreements over a 25 year period for the introduction, storage, and conveyance of up to 50,000 acre-feet (AF) per year (AFY) of Fresno ID?s Kings River water and previously banked non-CVP groundwater into and through Friant Division facilities, (2) issue an MP-620 permit to Fresno ID for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a new discharge structure, (3) issue a land use authorization to Fresno ID for construction, operation, and maintenance of a new pump station and associated appurtenances within Reclamation?s right of way, and (4) partially fund the Proposed Action through a 50/50 cost share program.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
Kelly Baker 559-487-5039 N/A
08/26/2016A Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) were available for public review between May 15 and June 17, 2016. One letter of comments was received regarding the draft documents. Appendix A contains Reclamation's response to the comment letter. FONSI signed on August 24, 2016, Final EA, and Appendix A are now posted.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Finding of No Significant Impact - Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project .pdf 327,536 B
Environmental Assessment Final - Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project .pdf 3,160,469 B
Environmental Assessment Final, Appendix A - Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project .pdf 5,211,295 B
Draft FONSI - Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project .pdf 142,905 B
Draft EA - Fresno Irrigation District Gould Canal to Friant Kern Canal Intertie Project .pdf 1,162,463 B