Project Details
Title: Cantua Creek Stream Group Improvement Project
Summary: Under the Proposed Action, Reclamation would approve and partially fund DWR?s proposed Cantua Creek Stream Group Improvements Project (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project would restore storage in the existing ponding basins along the San Luis Canal through flood easement acquisition and modifications to the San Luis Canal including: raising portions of the San Luis Canal embankment, pump pads, turnout facilities? protection embankments, and roads.
Jennifer Lewis 559-487-5197 N/A
04/21/2016Draft EA and Draft FONSI available for public review on November 13, 2015. Comments due by December 14, 2015. FONSI signed and final EA completed on April 19, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI and Final EA, Cantua Creek Stream Group Improvement Project .pdf 1,280,595 B
Draft FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Cantua Creek Stream Group Improvement Project FONSI-13-001 .pdf 97,373 B
Draft Environmental Assessment Cantua Creek Stream Group Improvement Project EA-13-001 .pdf 932,322 B