Project Details
Title: Environmental Assessment Central California Irrigation District CALFED Funding Grant for the Oil Station System Improvement Project 15-18-MP
Summary: Reclamation would award a $418,500 CALFED Grant for the construction of the Oil Station Improvement Project (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project would replace an existing cast in place pipeline with a 36? PVC Pipeline, and construct a small buffering reservoir with a pump station to provide water delivery service to the Oil Station Service Area. The proposed project is expected to conserve 1,055 af per year through a combination of tailwater recapture and operational spill elimination. It is also expected to improve water quality in the San Joaquin River.
Russell Taylor-Grimes 916-978-5051 N/A
11/25/2015The FONSI was signed and the Environmental Assessment completed on 11/23/2015
10/27/2015Environmental Assessment available for public review on October 27, 2015. Comments are due by November 11, 2015.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Environmental Assessment Central California Irrigation District CALFED Funding Grant for the Oil Station System Improvement Project .pdf 1,630,462 B
Finding of No Significant Impact Central California Irrigation District CALFED Funding Grant for the Oil Station System Improvement Project .pdf 347,054 B