Project Details
Title: Warren Act Contract for Storage and Conveyance of Non-CVP Water from El Dorado Irrigation District to Westlands Water District in 2015
Summary: Reclamation proposes to enter into a one-year Warren Act contract with Westlands Water District (WWD) for the storage and conveyance through federal facilities of up to 3,100 acre-feet of non-CVP water.El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) proposes to transfer the water during summer and fall 2015 to WWD. EID would make the water available through re-operations of EID reservoirs to release water otherwise planned to be stored within the EID network of reservoirs. The proposed action would help alleviate water supply shortages within WWD.
10/07/2015Draft EA available for review on August 4, 2015. Comments due on August 11, 2015. FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 17, 2015
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Storage and Conveyance of Non-CVP Water from El Dorado Irrigation District to Westlands Water District in 2015 .pdf 408,142 B
Final EA, Warren Act Contract for Storage and Conveyance of Non-CVP Water from El Dorado Irrigation District to Westlands Water District in 2015 .pdf 1,587,825 B
Draft EA, Warren Act Contract for Storage and Conveyance of Non-CVP Water from El Dorado Irrigation District to Westlands Water District in 2015 .pdf 1,128,737 B