Project Details
Title: 2015 Temporary Warren Act Contract between the United States and the East Bay Municipal Utility District
Summary: Reclamation is proposing a one-year temporary Warren Act contract (WAC) with the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) for the storage and conveyance of up to 12,000 acre-feet of non-Project water through Folsom Reservoir and Folsom South Canal. The temporary WAC is necessary to support a temporary water transfer between EBMUD and Placer County Water Agency in 2015
John Hutchings (916)989-7179 (916)989-7208
05/27/2022Final EA, EA appendices, and FONSI posted.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
EA-15-07-CCAO EA Appendix D Temporary Warren Act Contract Between the United States and the East Bay Municipal Utility District .pdf 4,001,758 B
EA-15-07-CCAO EA & FONSI Temporary Warren Act Contract Between the United States and the East Bay Municipal Utility District .pdf 6,451,102 B