Project Details
Title: Contra Costa Water District Installation of a French Drain at Mori Court near Rose Ave
Summary: On July 28, 2014, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) completed a Categorical Exclusion Checklist (CEC-14-038) for the installation of a dewatering well and associated appurtenances by Contra Costa Water District (Contra Costa) at approximately milepost 4.4 of the Contra Costa Canal (Canal). The purpose of the action was to mitigate effects of leakage from the Canal to a resident?s property located adjacent to the Canal between Cypress and Rose Avenue in Oakley, California (see Figure1). Installation of the project was completed in September 2014. Although the dewatering well has been in operation since 2014 it has been determined by Contra Costa to be insufficient to effectively dewater the area. The dewatering well is now no longer in operation. As such, Contra Costa has proposed to install a French drain and associated appurtenances to address leakage impacts. Reclamation will authorize Contra Costa, pursuant to their operating agreement (Contract No. 14-06-200-6072A), to install a French drain, pump, and discharge pipe (?dewatering system?) within Reclamation right-of-way at approximately milepost 4.4 of the Canal.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
05/21/2015Categorically exempted May 2015
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Contra Costa Water District Installation of a French Drain at Mori Court near Rose Avenue .pdf 815 B