Project Details
Title: Five-Year Temporary Warren Act Contract between the United States and the El Dorado Irrigation District Environmental Assessment
Summary: Reclamation proposes to enter into this Warren Act contract with EID to allow for the diversion of 8,500 acre-feet per year of their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 184 water at EID?s raw water pump station on Folsom Reservoir. EID currently operates Project 184 as a hydroelectric project and has consumptive use rights to this water under State Water Resources Control Board Water Right Permit 21112. The Proposed Action would allow EID to utilize Project 184 water for consumptive use purposes within their CVP service area.
John Hutchings (916)989-7179 (916)989-7208
11/19/2014Reclamation has initiated a 14-day public review period on this environmental assessment. Comments are due for full consideration on Thursday, Dec. 4.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
5-Year El Dorado Irrigation District Temporary Warren Act Contract EA .pdf 5,200 B