Project Details
Title: Addition of North-Kern Water Storage District to the Friant-Kern Canal Groundwater Pump-in Program
Summary: Reclamation proposes to approve the introduction of up to 10,000 acre-feet (AF) of North-Kern Water Storage District?s groundwater into the Frian-Kern Canal (FKC) as part of the FKC Groundwater Pump-in Program. The up to 10,000 AF is included in the cumulative total (50,000 AF per year) allowed under the FKC Groundwater Pump-in Program.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
12/08/2015Finding of No Significant Impact signed on 10/15/2014
10/01/2014Draft EA available for public review on October 1, 2014. Comments due October 7, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Finding of No Significant Impact Addition of North-Kern Water Storage District to the Friant-Kern Canal Groundwater Pump-in Program .pdf 850,903 B
Appendix A Reclamation's Water Quality Standards for the Friant-Kern Canal .pdf 286,200 B
Appendix B Reclamation's Cultural Resources Determinatinos .pdf 440,817 B
Draft EA, Addition of North-Kern Water Storage District to the Friant-Kern Canal .pdf 734 B
Draft EA, Appendices, Addition of North-Kern Water Storage District to the Friant-Kern Canal .pdf 749 B