Project Details
Title: Grassland Water District Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Project
Summary: In lieu of the availability of other water supplies for wildlife areas this fall, the Bureau of Reclamation proposes to acquire water from four existing groundwater production wells within the GRCD in Merced County, California, which can produce up to 3,450 acre-feet of groundwater in the current water year. The project will develop a groundwater supply in the North Grasslands wildlife area that can be used to supplement refuge water supplies for critical fall and winter brooding habitat and spring nesting habitat.
Russell Taylor-Grimes 916-978-5051 N/A
09/22/2014Comments due September 17, 2014. FONSI signed and final EA completed on September 18, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Grassland Water District Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Project .pdf 109 B
Final EA, Grassland Water District Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Project .pdf 671 B
Draft EA, Grassland Water District Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Project .pdf 976 B